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Take advantage of our limited-time Egg Freezing promotion and save $1,000 on your egg freezing cycle! This exclusive offer is valid until March 31, 2025.

What to Expect in the Weeks before IVF

What to Expect in the Weeks before IVF


At Fertility Center of San Antonio, IVF instructions are explained in detail to patients before they commit to undergoing the procedure. Our fertility clinic is proud to feature fertility success rates that rank among the highest in the nation, and part of the reason for this is our complete dedication to educating our patients at every stage of their treatment. Our compassionate doctors and staff combine unrivaled experience in fertility care with state-of-the-art technology and the most advanced techniques to ensure the best results possible for hopeful parents-to-be.

The ability of individual patients to follow our pre-treatment instructions precisely plays an important role in the success of our IVF procedures. If you decide to undergo IVF, you will receive instructions specific to your case, and it is imperative that you understand and abide by these instructions. In the meanwhile, here are some of the general instructions we provide to IVF patients before they undergo the procedure.

What to Expect in the Weeks Leading Up to IVF

During the cycle before your IVF treatment is scheduled to begin, it is possible that you will be put on birth control pills. Women who go on birth control pills before IVF are at reduced risk for ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome and ovarian cysts. Alternatively, women who tend not to have cycles on their own may be put on progesterone, which promotes periods. Other medications commonly used in the weeks before IVF include:

  • GnRH antagonists, which helps to prevent the ovulation of eggs before they are collected from the ovaries and unusable for the purposes of IVF
  • GnRH agonists, which prevent natural ovulation and allow our fertility experts to control cycles through artificially stimulated ovulation

In the weeks leading up to IVF, you will want to eat a healthy, balanced diet low in fat and high in protein. Fruits, vegetables, and lean, protein-rich, non-red meats are all highly recommended, along with limited amounts of grains and high-calcium dairy foods. Sugary foods should be avoided, as should alcohol. Caffeine intake should be limited to the equivalent of two cups of coffee a day or, if possible, eliminated altogether.

It is well known that pregnant women should neither smoke nor be around smoke; however, it is equally important that smokers give up the habit and avoid smoke when preparing for IVF. Likewise, drugs – prescription and otherwise – should be cut out whenever possible.

While trying to achieve pregnancy through IVF can be stressful, it is in your best interests to avoid stress as much as possible. You should avoid heavy exercise, but light walking and other low-impact exercise can help to reduce stress. Try to get lots of sleep and engage in activities that you find relaxing as often as possible. Meditate, take relaxing baths, enjoy some time to yourself – whatever you need to do to maintain low levels of stress.

Learn More about IVF Pre-treatment Instructions

If you are considering IVF, we encourage you to contact our fertility clinic today to learn more about what you can expect before, during, and after IVF treatment and to make an appointment with our renowned fertility specialists.

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