At the Fertility Center of San Antonio, we want to empower every patient who comes to visit us. We understand the frustrations and challenges of starting a family, which is why each fertility evaluation and consultation offers individualized consideration. We will tailor treatments to you in order to find smart solutions to any issues you face.
It’s encouraging for many men and women to learn that they are not alone in their struggles. With that in mind, let’s considering some statistics on infertility that are pretty fascinating. These numbers offer insight into the causes if infertility as well as the effectiveness of fertility procedures.
How Common Are Fertility Problems?
Fertility issues occur more commonly than most people think. According to numbers by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), an estimated 1 in 8 couples experience some kind of difficulty becoming pregnant. This doesn’t mean there’s an infertility issue but rather that the couple is unable to become pregnant for various reasons.
Breaking Down Male and Female Infertility
What’s interesting about the gender breakdown in infertility is that the numbers are pretty evenly distributed. Roughly one-third of cases are male-factor infertility, one-third of cases are female-factor infertility, and the last third are a combination of male and female infertility.
In addition to the above, the CDC estimates that roughly 6 percent of men and women in the United States are infertile. In up to 25 percent of female infertility issues, ovulation is the most frequent problem. In up to 15 percent of male infertility issues, the primary problem is a lack of sperm or poor sperm quality.
How Age Can Affect a Person’s Fertility
As you get older, you may face more struggles when it comes to fertility and starting a family. Numbers from the National Women’s Health Resource Center reveal that couples between the ages of 29 and 33 in good reproductive health have a 20 percent to 25 percent chance of becoming pregnant. As these couples get older, the chances of pregnancy diminish.
Age can even affect the success rates of fertility treatment. When a woman is under the age 35, fertility treatments are 40 percent successful. When a woman reaches her later 30s, fertility treatment success can drop to as low as 21 percent.
Body Mass Can Lead to Issues Getting Pregnant
Body fat and body mass can have a major impact on hormone levels, which in turn can lead to problems with fertility. It’s been estimated at 12 percent of female infertility cases are the result of too much body mass or too little body mass. It’s ideal to keep within the parameters of a healthy/normal weight range for your height.
Numbers on Smoking and Infertility
We all know smoking is bad for you, and it can also have a negative effect on fertility. The American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) has found that men and women who smoke are twice as likely to experience infertility or problems with fertility than non-smokers. Consider this yet another great reason to quit for good.
Contact the Fertility Center of San Antonio
For more information about your treatment options and how we can help you start the family of your dreams, be sure to contact our team of infertility treatment specialists today. The team at the Fertility Center of San Antonio will work closely with you to create a custom treatment plan that makes your dreams a reality.
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