IVF, or in vitro fertilization, has made it possible for many patients to become pregnant. Because this treatment process assists in many of the stages of conception, it can greatly increase your chances of having a baby.
At Fertility Center of San Antonio, we are committed to making IVF as affordable as possible for all of our patients. We offer two types of IVF treatment, along with a refund program. Here, we discuss the factors that affect IVF costs so our San Antonio, TX patients have a better idea of what to expect in terms of pricing.
Type of IVF Treatment
We offer two types of IVF cycles at our practice: Traditional IVF and Nature’s IVF™ treatment utilizing INVOcell™.
Traditional IVF Cycle
Traditional IVF is the most common type of treatment, and it is the most widely available. This option is recommended to patients in which male factor infertility or poor ovarian reserve are known fertility problems.
Traditional IVF is the more expensive option. Across the country, fertility clinics typically charge between $12,000 and $15,000 per IVF cycle.
Nature’s IVF with INVOcell
For the right patients, Nature’s IVF with INVOcell is a more affordable option. This technique costs $7,500 per cycle, including the cost of medications. This option has a lower cost for three reasons:
- A set amount of fertility medication is given, lowering the cost of medications.
- Fewer medical appointments are needed, as only one sonogram is performed.
- Instead of incubating in a lab setting, the collected sperm and eggs incubate in the INVOcell device, which is placed in the vagina. This lowers lab incubation and monitoring fees.
The Cost of Medications
With traditional IVF, patients need to pay for the cost of fertility medications, in addition to the IVF cycle. Because traditional IVF often requires adjustments to your medications, the cost can range among patients.
Typically, patients can expect to pay between $3,000 and $5,000 for fertility medications for traditional IVF. During the early phase of IVF, we will monitor the production and size of eggs using blood tests and sonograms. Some patients may require an increase in dosage or may take medications for longer than others, increasing the total cost of treatment.
Precision IVF Refund Program
At Fertility Center of San Antonio, we offer a Precision IVF Refund Program to make the cost of OVF more palatable and affordable. To qualifying patients, we will perform additional frozen embryo transfer procedures to increase your chance of having a baby. For those patients that do not have a baby at the end of treatment, we offer up to an 80 percent refund.
We try to make this program as widely available as possible to patients. During your consultation, we will discuss eligibility for the Precision IVF Refund Program.
Contact Our Practice
To find out how much IVF treatment may cost in your case, we invite you to schedule a consultation at our practice. Keep in mind that additional fees may be incurred for other services, such as ICSI, PGD, egg donation, and surrogacy.
Contact us online at your earliest convenience or call us at (210) 692-0577.
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