Take advantage of our limited-time Egg Freezing promotion and save $1,000 on your egg freezing cycle! This exclusive offer is valid until March 31, 2025.
Take advantage of our limited-time Egg Freezing promotion and save $1,000 on your egg freezing cycle! This exclusive offer is valid until March 31, 2025.

Blood Test Schedule During the IVF Process

Blood Test Schedule During the IVF Process

Blood work will be needed at different stages of the IVF process. The Fertility Center of San Antonio considers the schedule of these tests and why there are essential for successful pregnancy.

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1707, 2020

IUI Timeline

Iui Timeline|

Many individuals who seek fertility treatment want to know what steps are involved and what the timeline is like for intrauterine insemination (IUI).Intrauterine insemination introduces concentrated sperm directly into the uterus so that it has less distance to travel to reach [...]

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